Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706, in Boston, as the tenth son of Josiah Franklin, a soap maker, and Abiah Folger. Due to financial constraints, Josiah had 17 children. Initially intended for the clergy, Benjamin could only attend school for a year due to financial constraints. He was then apprenticed to his brother James, a printer, where he helped compose pamphlets and sold them in the streets at age 12.
Benjamin Franklin attended Boston Latin School but didn’t graduate. His formal education ended at age tension, and he continued learning through avid reading.
Inventions: franklin was a prolific inventor but never patented his work, preferring to share ideas freely.
poor Richard’s Almanack: Published from 1732 to 1758, featuring calendars, weather forecasts, and poems.
Slavery: Owned slaves initially but became an abolitionist, freeing all his slaves by 1760.
Swimming: A great swimmer, inducted into the international Swimming Hall of Fame in 1968.
Chess: A chess enthusiast, inducted into the U.S. chess Hall of Fame in 1999.
Reluctant revolutionary: One of the last founding Fathers to support full separation from Britain.
Postmaster General: First U.S. Postmaster General.
Declaration of Independence: Helped draft the declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.
- Limited Education: Franklin had only two years of formal schooling but was largely self-taught.
- Teenage Writer: At 16, he wrote essays as “Silence Do good,” which gained popularity before he revealed his identity.
- Early Retirement: By 42, he retired wealthy and focused on science, inventions, and public service.
- Musical Inventor: Created the glass armonica, played by Mozart and Beethoven.
- Reluctant Revolutionary: Initially sought compromise with Britain but later supported independence.
- Phonetic Alphabet: Attempted to reform English spelling but abandoned the project.
- Loyalist Son: His son, William, opposed the Revolution, leading to their estrangement.
- Fashion Icon: His simple attire and fur hat became a trend in France.
- Unique Will: Left funds to Boston and Philadelphia, which grew into millions over 200 years.
- Electricity Experiments: Proved that lightning is electricity through his famous kite experiment and invented the lightning rod.
- Bifocal Glasses: Designed bifocals to help people see both near and far.
- Franklin Stove: Created an efficient heating stove that used less wood and produced more heat.
- Public Library System: Founded the first public lending library in America.
- University of Pennsylvania: Helped establish this institution, which became a leading university.
- U.S. Postal System: Improved mail delivery as the first Postmaster General of the U.S.
- Declaration of Independence: Assisted in drafting and signing this foundational document.
- Treaty of Alliance with France: Secured crucial French support during the American Revolution.
- Abolitionist Work: Fought against slavery in his later years and led an anti-slavery society.
- Franklin’s Fund: Left money in his will for Boston and Philadelphia, which grew into millions for public projects.